Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Mathews has announced that Peru is now a member of the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations. This development offers Peru a unique opportunity to promote technological, innovative, well-coordinated, and competitive tourism development within the country.

Peru has some of the greatest tourist destinations that will surely benefit from this initiative, such as the mesmerising Uros floating islands and the iconic Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

The announcement was made during the “Innovative tourism workshop: Discover the keys to innovation in the tourism sector,” an event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur). This workshop also featured the visit of the Network’s Technical Secretary, Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa, who conducted the aforementioned event.

Peru’s inclusion in this network is the result of collaborative efforts by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism and various stakeholders to adapt a Smart Tourist Destinations Management model to the country’s specific needs and conditions.

Being an institutional member of this influential network offers several advantages to Peru. These benefits include the promotion of research across various facets of Smart Tourist Destinations, as well as the exploration of funding and subsidies for implementing tourism-related smart projects and initiatives. It also provides opportunities for training and capacity-building in the realms of smart tourist destinations.

Furthermore, being part of the network enables Peru to establish a framework for collective promotion of Smart Tourist Destinations, in collaboration with other members of the network. It also facilitates consultation and the exchange of experiences and best practices.

Minister Mathews emphasized the Ministry’s commitment to creating greater opportunities throughout the tourism industry as tourism plays a crucial role in generating employment and fostering opportunities. He expressed gratitude for Peru’s membership in the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, recognizing it as a path that concerns and benefits everyone involved.
