The great Chinese wall is a symbol of Chinese history and culture, and although it has been standing 2,000 years, it still keeps many secrets to reveal, some of them came to light in 2023. In addition this year, on the 16th anniversary As one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the “Wonder Marker” monument (marker wonder) was presented at the scene.

At the beginning of the year, archaeologists found more than 130 hidden doors and secret passages inside the wall. The doors were mentioned in former Chinese texts, but so far nobody knew where they were.

It is believed that these doors were used to send communications and carry out commercial operations. “Some doors were large enough to spend two horses at the same time,” said team leader Zhang Yukun, a professor at the University of Tianjin.

Some corridors caught their attention, since they were hidden behind many blocks, which prevented enemies from entering, but allowed Chinese soldiers to attack by surprise from the inside. The reason that they remain hidden is that they were built to be confused with the topology of the area.


In October

Another discovery took place in October, when Chinese archaeologists found an ancient guns over 500 years, hidden in the Great Chinese wall. There were 59 stone grenades of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). These ancient explosives offer an intriguing look at the military tactics used at the time.

“It is the first time that there is a warehouse of weapons of this type along the great wall,” said Shang Heng, one of the archaeologists involved in the discovery. “These apparently bland stones have a round hole in the center to fill them with gunpowder. After filling, they can be sealed and thrown, which not only can hit the enemy, but also cause an explosion to defeat it, “he explained.

In addition to the storage of weapons, archaeologists also discovered a “horse face” wall used to shoot strategic arrows and a stone fort that supports cannons.


Wonder Marker

In July, on the 16th anniversary of the Great Chinese wall as one of the new 7 wonders of the world, the “Wonder Marker” (Marker Wonder) was presented.

The “Wonder Marker” is a 3-meter high symbol that celebrates the Great Wall of China as one of the new 7 wonders of the world (New 7 Wonders of the World- N7W), chosen by vote of the global public.

The ceremony took place in Huangyaguan Great Wall, province of Tianjin, one of the most spectacular and most popular sites of the Great Wall, located 130 km east of Beijing.

Conceived by the founder of N7W, Bernard Weber, as a symbol of unity and global cooperation, the “Wonder Marker” of the Great Wall, shows distance signs that point in the precise geographical direction of the other 6 brothers sites, which are also part of the new 7 wonders of the world: Chichen Itza (Mexico), the Roman Coliseum (Italy), the Christ Redeemer (Brazil), Machu Picchu (Peru), Petra (Jordan) and the Taj Mahal of the India.

In a video message to accompany the presentation, the president and founder of N7W, Bernard Weber, made the following statement: “With the placement of this wonderful marker, which celebrates the new 7Wonders of the world, we are continually creating global memory of seven extraordinary examples of human creativity that everyone can and will remember on this planet, whose legacy will be transmitted to future generations. ”

The director of N7W, Jean Paul de la Fuente, also commented: “Today, Huangyaguan Great Wall and China are in the center of the New 7 Wonders, with this score of unique wonder.”

Presiding over the cermony was Mr. Zhou Jidong, president of “Jizhou Travel Culture Group” and in charge of the Great Wall in Huangyaguan, and the director of N7W Jean-Paul de la Fuente.

The event was marked by a series of parallel celebrations and cultural exhibitions, including the presentation of an impressive work of art of 77 meters from the known Chinese artist Xia Pengcheng created especially for the presentation of Marker Wonder. In addition, 7 couples married as part of the ceremony.

“The Great Wall of Huangaguagua is the natural home for the Wonder Marker, a historical site that is pride for the province of Tianjin, from here we welcome all visitors, those of China and the world in general, to visit us and meet us our exclusive Wonder Marker, “said Mr. Zhou Jidong.


The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is an ancient Chinese fortification built and rebuilt between the 5th century. C. and the 16th century to protect the northern border of the Chinese Empire during the successive imperial dynasties of the attacks of the warriors from Mongolia and Manchuria.

Counting its branches and secondary constructions, it is estimated that it has about 21.200 km in length, from the border with Korea to the edge of the Yalu river, to the Gobi desert along an arc that delineates approximately the southern edge of inner Mongolia, although Today only 30% of it is preserved. The wall measures 6 to 7 meters high and 4 to 5 meters wide.

With the wall, the goal of Emperor Qin Shi Huang was to defend his territory of the invasive waves that came from the north. Therefore, in the year 220 B.C., the construction that continued along two millennia was initiated. And today, it is the best preserved construction of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).

Unesco appointed the Great Wall as a World Heritage Site in 1987. And 30 years later, in 2007, The Great Wall of China was chosen by the public as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.


