Various state agencies and private firms participate in the SOSelva program that seeks to promote conservation actions in the Peruvian Amazon, prevent the deforestation of its forests, and combat illicit wildlife trafficking and environmental crimes. It should be noted that the Amazon River is part of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

The initiative is promoted by the company Latam Airlines and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp), Profonanpe, the Environmental Fund of Peru, the Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA), the Peruvian Association for the Conservation of the Nature (APECO), United for Animals (UPA) and “Consequences” of the Prevent Project, among others.

According to its organizers, “SOSelva” seeks to raise awareness about the problem of deforestation and the development of sustainable tourism in our Amazon, promoting the economic reactivation of local communities. This campaign was launched as part of the activities for the International Day for the Preservation of Forest Forests.

The protocol act was preceded by a visit to the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, south of Iquitos and the Amazon Rescue Center.

“We want this visit to give rise to more people getting to know this and other protected natural areas. The Peruvian jungle has a lot to offer and it is in our hands to preserve it,” said Deyvis Huamán Mendoza, director of Management of Protected Natural Areas of Sernanp, representing Minam.

Manuel Van Oordt, CEO of Latam Airlines Peru, highlighted that “this is one more opportunity that we take with great responsibility to direct what we do best, which is to connect, in favor of one of the most beautiful regions we have in Peru, which is its Amazon rainforest.

The mayor of Maynas, Vladimir Chong, expressed his satisfaction with the support of the aforementioned institutions. “We are very happy that they have joined this deployment that will provide greater visibility to our Amazon, but above all it will allow greater attention to be paid to a solution to the problem that afflicts it,” he said.

From the launch of this initiative, the coalition of SOSelva allies is committed to promoting initiatives from the public and private sectors in favor of the conservation and protection of the Peruvian Amazon; and to strengthen the program through joint coordination and the generation of synergies that generate a real and measurable impact in favor of the Peruvian Amazon.
