“Our vision for 2030 is to turn Peru into the best destination in Latin America, based on our strength as a cultural, gastronomic, nature and adventure destination,” said the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Elizabeth Galdo, during her participation in the conference. press after the Council of Ministers meeting held in the month of May.

“This 360 vision is focused on prioritizing the promotion of our country with Mincetur as the governing entity, with the support of the Vice Ministry of Tourism, National Copesco Plan, Cenfotur and PROMPERU. This in coordination and permanent articulation with the private sector and the National, regional and local Government,” said Minister Galdo Marín.

The head of the sector highlighted that, by 2024, Mincetur has set itself the great challenge of achieving the arrival of 4.4 million foreign tourists to the country, a figure that will allow it to reach the levels obtained before the pandemic.

It should be noted that for tourism, Peru has two Wonders of the World. One is the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, highlighted for its historical value and the beauty of the entire archaeological complex, which was chosen as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World in July 2007.

And in 2011, the Amazon River was chosen as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. The Amazon River rises at more than 5,000 kilometers above sea level, in the Andes Mountains of Peru, and continues for almost 7,000 kilometers to its mouth in northern Brazil, in the state of Pará.

Generate more employment

On the other hand, Minister Galdo Marín indicated that her management has projected to achieve 48 million national trips during 2024. “With this goal we seek to generate more employment, a greater contribution to the GDP and obtain more foreign currency,” she indicated.

In that sense, she explained that it is estimated to generate around one and a half million jobs, 26% more than in 2023.

In addition, the contribution of tourism to GDP will increase by 1.4 percentage points, reaching 3.9% at the end of 2024. With this, it is expected to obtain 1,314 million more dollars in foreign currency.


The minister also mentioned that connectivity is a fundamental aspect to boost tourism in the country, so she will work in coordination with other sectors, such as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Interior. “We must work on those aspects that affect the flow of international travel. Peru is connected to 21 countries, of which 12 are prioritized markets, which is an opportunity for inbound tourism,” she said.

And she added that she will focus on attracting new airlines that do not currently have operations in Peru, and on the recovery of routes of airlines that already operate in the country. Regarding the border tourist flow, she mentioned that they will work in coordination with the tourist service providers of the main bordering cities and gastronomic events will be promoted, among other actions.

“We have set ourselves an ambitious challenge that aims to recover tourism in our country, considering the high impact it has on economic activity,” concluded Minister Elizabeth Galdo.
