ANATO has concluded with more than 52,000 professional visitors, 30,000 business appointments and 1,300 trained entrepreneurs, several destinations that have the New 7 Wonders of the World and the New 7 Wonders of Nature, were promoted on site.

The ANATO Tourist Showcase had a successful closure in attendance, training, cultural, gastronomic spaces and in generation of commercial agreements.

This year, the more than 52,000 professional visitors represented a growth of 5% compared to the previous year’s version.

In this regard, Paula Cortés Calle, executive president of ANATO said that “this is a great result. However, what satisfies us the most is having generated nearly 24,000 business appointments within the framework of the event, 6% more than those made in 2024.”

And he added “how beautiful it is to see the commitment of an entire sector, the regions of Colombia, international destinations, travel agencies, airlines, hotels, cruises, among others, which strive every year to bring their offer in an attractive and innovative way. Therefore, for the next year we are analyzing the opening of another pavilion, because every time we have new challenges and we are happy to face them.”

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia and Fontur have been great allies for the realization of this event. With this, this year, there was the presence of the peace destinations; they also had an outstanding promotion of typologies such as nature tourism, community, traditional gastronomy, ancestral experiences, and wellness activities.

“We are very excited to close the 44th edition of the ANATO Tourist Showcase, a space where Colombia showed the best of its tourism. Each stand brought the essence and roots of its territory, through its ventures. During the event, meetings were held with territorial entities and international partners to strengthen teamwork and advance in the fulfillment of tourism goals for 2025,” said Juan Oswaldo Manrique, Deputy Minister of Tourism.

For his part, the general manager of Fontur, Fernando Estupiñán, highlighted the initiatives that as a sector have been woven to strengthen the travel industry, “the success of this Tourist Showcase is due to the joint work between the public and private sectors, which has allowed to promote strategic initiatives for the development of the destinations of the Country of Beauty,” he said.

The event was again home to the business conference organized by ProColombia, a space that allows entrepreneurs from other countries to know the varied offer of the country, “the preliminary results of Colombia Travel Mart, reflect the great international interest in Colombia as a tourist and investment destination. With business expectations that exceed US$ 53.4 million and the participation of buyers from 33 countries, this event continues to consolidate itself as a key platform for the internationalization of the sector. In addition, it is gratifying to see the growing interest in strategic destinations for the tourist development of the country, such as Putumayo, Tolima, Casanare, Huila, La Guajira and Buenaventura, aligned with the vision of the Government of Change to diversify the tourist offer and promote new regions, “concluded Carmen Caballero, president of ProColombia.
