One of the most important contributions of this plant will be able to interfere in a decisive way in the regulation of flow water to Iguazú Falls, the natural wonder that Brazil and Argentina share. The National Operator of the Electrical System (ONS) has concluded that thanks to the contribution of this hydroelectric installation, the Falls will always have the necessary minimum flow of water.
The dyke was built 500 meters away from the Brazilian Iguazú Park and about 25 kilometers from the Argentine park. The power plant was built by a consortium made up of Neoenergía -a Brazilian subsidiary of Iberdrola- and Copel, awarded by the National Electric Power Agency of Brazil (Aneel).
Iberdrola’s president, Ignacio Galán, said that he is proud “to contribute to the economic and social development of the country». The executive announced that Iberdrola’s commitment will continue to increase. «Only in the next five years we will invest around 6.500 million euros in new projects in Brazil to continue improving their electricity supply and their competitiveness».